Oh my goodness! This is my embarrassment of riches from @CSeydel in the #hometownswap Too generous! The coffee smells amazing and I didn't even think about music - looking forward to listening to the CD. Thank you for the sweet letter. My hubby is going to love the Snoop Dogg book! All the book choices sound great too!
MicrobeMom Wow! Great package! 7y
CSeydel I admit I felt a little silly sending coffee to the land of Peets, Starbucks, et al.! I didn‘t really know what Long Beach foods would be, though. I went a little crazy with the books because I tried to represent as many of the diverse SoCal cultures as I could! I hope you love them! The Snoop Dogg book was a great find 😂 7y
AWahle @CSeydel I'm looking forward to the coffee - I rarely drink Starbucks because we prefer the little roasters who are local. I'm thrilled with the diversity! 7y
Reviewsbylola Great package! All Involved is good! 7y
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