In the continuing quest to shake my fear of bees, I found more comfort and much fun in this little gem by R.L. Stine. It reminded me of one of my favorite classic sci-fi films. (Help me!!!) 😳🪰
In the continuing quest to shake my fear of bees, I found more comfort and much fun in this little gem by R.L. Stine. It reminded me of one of my favorite classic sci-fi films. (Help me!!!) 😳🪰
Book 112
#17 "He's no ordinary human bee-ing..."
Poor Gary Lutz is made fun of I just about everyone. Even his mom laughs at him. He's in desperate need of a vacation from himself and his life. So when he gets the chance to do just that for a whole week he jumps on the opportunity. But something goes horribly horribly wrong. Gary may never be the same again!