Bad Pets Best In Class is a NF book written by Allan Zullo! It is a fun read to have in your classroom. The book has actual true tales of misbehaving animals! It was such a fun book and if you love puns, definitely read this! There are so many sources online to use when showing this book to your students. There are worksheets online for each story so they can‘t have even more fun with it. This book is also good if you want to teach vocabulary!
AmyPerezCubas Also this book is great when teaching your class about figurative language (idioms, puns, and alliteration). ESOL strategy is best with number 5 which is teaching vocab supporting key concepts. The UDL principle that is best is 2.1 which is clarify vocabulary because this book is actually very good to teach new words. 7y
AmyPerezCubas #UCFLAE3414Sub18 7y
AmyPerezCubas Grades 3-5 7y
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DianaHerrera I love that you include your dog into multiple projects in the class and I like the resource you provided, but I do believe Dr. Spalding did say we cannot use TPT. It is a great source though. @AmyPerezCubas 7y
AmyPerezCubas https://allanzullo.com/young-adults/animalbooks/bad-pets-hall-of-shame/ 7y
DrSpalding To clarify, I did not say you can‘t use TPT however I did say that there are better resources out there. I requested that you start with publishers and authors sites.Figurative language and understanding it will assist students in comprehending text. 7y