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Caterflies and Ice
Caterflies and Ice | Asia Citro
2 posts | 6 read | 1 to read
A Mighty Girl Book of the Year With magical animals, science, mystery, and adventure -- the series Zoey and Sassafras has something for everyone! Easy-to-read language and illustrations on nearly every page make this series perfect for a wide range of ages. In the fourth book, an unexpected snow storm causes trouble for the magical creatures of the forest. When Zoey and Sassafras attempt to rescue trapped caterfly eggs, they make a mistake. Can they figure out a way to fix things before the baby caterflies hatch? Each story in the Zoey and Sassafras series features a new magical animal with a problem that must be solved using science. There isn't a set formula for each book; Zoey sometimes needs to run experiments, while other times she needs to investigate a mystery, and yet other times she needs to do research. Zoey models how to keep a science journal through her handwritten entries in each story. Each story is complete with a glossary of the kid-friendly definitions for scientific terms used. The series highlights child-led inquiry science and the topics covered align with both Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
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Caterflies and Ice | Asia Citro

Cute. Great addition to a children's library.
Tisthereadson snow on cover 41points
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Caterflies and Ice | Asia Citro
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My daughter loves this series because the MC is a girl her age and it‘s always about animals. magical as they may be. The illustrations are always adorbs!

JaclynW My daughter loves animals too! I may have to check these out. Thanks for sharing! What age/reading level would you say this book fits into? 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful pic 6y
Tamra @JaclynW my daughter is in 3rd grade and they are pretty easy for her to read alone. She‘d probably say if you asked her that it‘s a “good fit” read. 6y
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Tanisha_A Lovely! 6y
Tamra @Tanisha_A she is lovely! 6y
JaclynW @Tamra Awesome! I will look into them. My daughter is in 2nd grade. I know all about the "good fit" reads. ? Your daughter is adorable! 6y
emtobiasz I love this series too! I like that it‘s all about using scientific inquiry methods to take care of (magical) animals. But that‘s the sneaky adult lesson of it, not usually what attracts the kid readers! 6y
Tamra @JaclynW I hope she likes it! (edited) 6y
JaclynW Our library doesn't have this book! 😲😔 6y
Tamra @JaclynW boooo 😫 You can get used copies on Abe Books, Better World Books, and Thrift Books inexpensively. I‘d get just one in the series to start to see if it‘s a fit. 6y
JaclynW I will look there. I saw them on Amazon for less than $5 too. I hate when this happens with the library! 👎 6y
Tamra @JaclynW me too. Better World & Abe I check routinely. 6y
JaclynW @Tamra Thanks! 6y
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