Such a great story and dialogue!
For the rest of my review, visit my Vlog at:
Such a great story and dialogue!
For the rest of my review, visit my Vlog at:
I‘ve never been a fan of the ‘New Gods‘ or the ‘Fourth World‘. But this book is fantastic. It centers all the drama on the humanness of the characters, helping the audience engage and care about them. There is an amazing sequence where Scott and Barda mutilate and massacre their way into an Apokolips stronghold all the while discussing remodeling their condo, ending with a huge mic drop of a revelation. This is truly great writing!
Mind. Blown. Expanding my idea of what a super hero comic book can do and say. Existential crisis, confronting past trauma, trying to have a life vs godly purpose. The ugliness of war. Is there such a thing as a noble sacrifice if you're dealing in other people's lives?
What baffles me is that given the content (⚠️suicide attempt, PTSD, mental health concerns, child abuse, recounting torture) they chose to censor included nudity and swear words?!
Tom King brings his meta, subversive style to the story of Scott Free, the ultimate escape artist. King uses the New Gods mythology to tell a story about trauma, depression, parenthood, and love. He juxtaposes epic action sequences with mundane domestic ones. And the whole time you never quite know whats real.
My September book count. The tagged book was my favorite of the month.
This deserved every Eisner Award it received. Even if you‘re not a superhero fan (I‘m not super familiar with Big Barda or Mister Miracle) this story is SO human. Definitely a content warning for suicide but it deals with childhood trauma in such a real way that you don‘t normally see in a superhero story. I just can‘t recommend this enough #MisterMiracle #Comics #GraphicNovels #TomKing
When Big Barda and Mr. Miracle visit Darkseid they bring a vegetable platter, cause they‘re classy. This is an excellent, strange story with some brutal looks into mental illness, trauma and the struggle to live, having survived trauma.
A bit peeved the B&N tag is printed on the cover. They already got my money, now I gotta help them with brand awareness?
I don't delve into American comics that much; I dabbled with Squirrel Girl for a few months and got some use out of a Marvel Unlimited subscription, but it's been a blind spot for me all the same. Heard great things about this run from last year, so I went and picked up the complete trade.
Issue 12 came out a few weeks back, completing this year long series. I've read a couple of issues, but I've been holding off until it was all done so I could read it in one go.
Finally...that day has come. Pretty darn good way to spend a Monday afternoon if ya ask me. 🤗
Happy new #comics day everyone! From the big 2 this week:
Uncanny X-Men ARE BACK! 🤗🤩
House Of Whispers continues its Sandman spinoff.
Mister Miracle GRAND FINALE. 1 year in the making and it all ends here.
Fantastic Four. Great to have the family back together.
Cosmic Ghost Rider finale. What a crazy (but incredible) 5 issue run!
Venom continues to be awesome!