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Wobblies of the World
Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the Iww | Peter Cole
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Founded in 1905, Chicago's Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is a union unlike any other. With members affectionately called "Wobblies" and an evolutionary and internationalist philosophy and tactics, it rapidly grew across the world. Considering the history of the IWW from an international perspective for the first time, Wobblies of the World brings together a group of leading scholars to present a lively collection of accounts from thirteen diverse countries, revealing a fascinating story of anarchism, syndicalism, and socialism. Drawing on many important figures of the movement--Har Dayal, James Larkin, William D. "Big Bill" Haywood, Enrique Flores Mag?n, and more--the contributors describe how the IWW and its ideals spread, exploring the crucial role the IWW played in industries such as shipping, mining, and agriculture. Ultimately, the book illuminates Wobblie methods of organizing, forms of expression, practices, and transnational issues, offering a fascinating alternative history of the group.
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I'm on strike from Monday after a vote to walkout.

Any one recommend any #union #workerrights books?
I should probably pick up my copy of Eleanor Marx's biography, too!

readordierachel Good luck! ✊ 5y
arubabookwoman Have you read GB84 by David Peace—fiction, but with lots of facts, about the 1984 coal miners strike (and Thatcher‘s moves to break unions). A favorite book by a favorite author of mine. 5y
charl08 @readordierachel hoping that it will help the situation... @arubabookwoman I haven't! Thank you! 5y
readordierachel Hoping that for you, too 🤞 5y
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