Sick burn! 😬🤔😋🤷🏻♀️
Pg 151
Only once in our time in Paris did I have cause to blush for my American citizenship...
I love the way the designer has used a score on the cover, as if someone is writing on the back of a page of music.
3rd book for class = complete. this is the first book we‘ve read that has elements of modern lit, such as continuity, suspense and dynamic characters. it‘s amazing how much literature evolved between the 1890s and 1910s! my professor said there‘s a whole literary debate on what to call the protagonist — “colored man?” “ex-colored man?” “not-yet-ex-colored man?” — which i found amusing.
Written in the late 1800's, Johnson exposes that race relations in the US haven't come very far. I felt very sad that many things are stuck, and astounded that the book is still relevant. If you are/we're a Mulatto, which race would you identify with? Would you try to bridge black and white? I'm glad I read this book (that I found by chance when book shopping on Amazon), it's important and thought provoking. I recommend it! #blackhistorymonth
Just starting this one today. Trying to relax and rest up with my baby Ms. Elsa. Happy reading to everyone!
"I cannot repress the thought that, after all, I have chosen the lesser part, that I have sold my birthright for a mess of pottage."
These are 16 of the 18 books I get to read this semester! Have I mentioned how much I love my degree? 📚🐛
So apparently if you're tired enough, it's just as easy to fall asleep listening to an audiobook as it is reading. 🙄 LOL!!!
Getting ready to try an audio book and this was free through SYNC summer reading program.