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Drop City
Drop City | T. C. Boyle
10 posts | 30 read | 12 to read
It is the seventies, at the height of flower power. Star has just joined Drop City, a hippie commune in sunny California living the simple, natural life. But underneath the drugs, music and transcendent bliss, she slowly discovers tensions and sexual rivalries that threaten to split the community apart. A world away in Boynton, a tiny town in the interior of Alaska, Sess Harder, a pioneer who actually does live off the land, hunting, trapping and fishing, yearns for someone to share the harsh winters with him. When the authorities threaten to close down Drop City, the hippies abandon camp and head up north to Alaska, the last frontier. But neither they nor the inhabitants of Boynton are completely prepared for each other - and as the two communities collide, unexpected friendships and dangerous enmities are born.
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Drop City | T Coraghessan Boyle, Boyle T C
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A California hippie commune is forced to relocate to the Alaskan wilderness with promises from their leader of a paradise awaiting (one guess if that comes true 🙂). Features memorable characters and insights into how society can break down despite the best intentions. This was on my TBR shelf for years: maybe knowing I'd have this cover out in public deterred me. No naked flower formations in the novel btw...not sure who came up with that! 🤷‍♀️

Leftcoastzen I liked this book and T.C. Boyle in general. 5y
Billypar Actually, just realized the cover design is credited along with the photo itself, so we know exactly whose idea it was: Paul Buckley, now a Senior VP at Penguin. Interesting interview here: http://www.casualoptimist.com/blog/2009/09/21/paulbuckley/ It links to his website with his 'greatest hits', which has a ton of famous covers (including the b&w illustrated 'We Have Always Lived in the Castle'). The Drop City cover wasn't among them 😁 5y
Billypar @Leftcoastzen It was my first Boyle, but I would read more from him ... do you have a favorite? 5y
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Leftcoastzen I haven‘t read everything,the reviews are kind of on both ends on this one but I think he was on to something 5y
Billypar @Leftcoastzen Thanks for the rec- stacked it. 5y
Blaire This sounds good. #stacked 5y
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Drop City | T Coraghessan Boyle, Boyle T C
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Naked hippies form a crater in this cover of Drop City. One gets the impression from the cover that things will not go as planned in paradise but along very predictable lines, given human nature and . . . nature. I love this novel; it's my favorite Boyle. #7days7covers #7covers7days #covercrush

I just saw that I'm not supposed to explain about the covers so I'll try not to explain about the next 5. Not explaining is not my thing.

LeahBergen It‘s remarkably difficult, isn‘t it?? 😮 5y
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Drop City | T Coraghessan Boyle, Boyle T C
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Well, I‘m done. This novel follows the members of a c1970 hippie commune in California that moves to interior Alaska. Sex, drugs, a few hard workers and a lot of hangers on. The first half was OK, the Alaska half unbelievable. No roads in, dark for 6 months of the year, -40 temps, a lot of vegetarians. Boyle did not convince me they could survive. #1001books

Drop City | T Coraghessan Boyle, Boyle T C
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A great book mail day! 😁💕💜

monalyisha That cover! And the description, too! Adding “Drop City” to my TBR. 5y
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Drop City | T Coraghessan Boyle, Boyle T C
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April‘s BOTM #Reading1001 #1001Books

BookwormM I am reading this now 5y
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Drop City | T. C. Boyle
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This is the story of a Californian hippy commune, moving to Alaska. They think of this move and their new way of live (surviving the Alaska winter) as a big adventure, what turns out to be rather naive.
In Alaska, another set of (local) people also prepares for a winter of 'living off the land'. The differences between the two are big, but Boyle succeeds in describing all his characters as believable, despite their differences. #1001books

Drop City | T. C. Boyle
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#riotgrams shelfie day 1

Drop City | T. C. Boyle
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#FunFridayPhoto "Moon" lit flowers! ???

Suet624 😜😜 8y
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Drop City | T. C. Boyle

Loved this book. Boyle, as always, digs deep, showing us that the SF days of peace and love had a bright side and a dark, dark side.

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