A difficult read that I think would have been better in print. The audio was hard to follow at times, definitely wasn‘t one I could listen to while doing anything else so it was primarily an #audiowalking book.
A difficult read that I think would have been better in print. The audio was hard to follow at times, definitely wasn‘t one I could listen to while doing anything else so it was primarily an #audiowalking book.
This book was a very interesting look back at an important series of moments in the gay rights movement, and it was thoroughly researched and well-written. The so-so rating is just because I felt like the middle section was unnecessarily gruesome in the detailed descriptions of the injuries to the victims. My child is NOT interested in the fact that I am trying to read.
I have altogether too many queer books on my TBR, but not nearly enough nonfiction. Our stories are nothing without our history is what I took from Like A Love Story. So, I think it‘s time for this.
Hey fellow #round4 #lmpbc #groupj people! I picked four books that I am super excited to read, and I hope one of them works for the group. They are all arcs. I hope that‘s ok with everyone.
New today! Two nonfiction titles, one a memoir of growing up black and gay, and the other about an oft-forgotten tragedy in the queer community. I look forward to learning a lot from both.