All signed up! Now to get my stack figured out and get out of this reading slump. 😊👍 #24in48
Yay! Sign ups are open for the #24in48readathon This is one of my favorite events of the year! Read 24 hours in a 48 hour period with all your closest introverts - online. Count me in! I‘ll be keeping up with my fellow ‘thon-ers here, and on Instagram and Twitter. Sounds like the best way to start off the year! If this is your kind of party, sign up at 24in48.com and join in on the fun Jan. 26-27 2019. And their new logo is pretty snazzy!
I finished only three in my #4in48Readathon. I think my audiobook ran over midnight but I‘m counting it anyway😂. All three books were great. Highly recommend all.
Yey! Finished the #4in48Readathon with 1 hour 45 minutes to spare, and despite the fact I took 2 hours out for a Group Read yesterday. Pleased with this result! And got May off to a flying start. Thanks for hosting @Syndelle777 It may be your first time but you did a sensationally encouraging and inclusive job! Well done! 🙌🙌🙌😊😊😊😍🎉🎉🎉😍
Thanks everyone for the encouragement - you know who you are! 👏👏👏👏