The premise is a good one: 3 apprentices to Death, Memory, Passion and 1 untenable Agreement that needs to be broken. Since this is a MG read the end is a happy one, but it would have been an even better adult read with a twist.
The premise is a good one: 3 apprentices to Death, Memory, Passion and 1 untenable Agreement that needs to be broken. Since this is a MG read the end is a happy one, but it would have been an even better adult read with a twist.
My first of 8 days off! I have apple butter brewing and have winterized the windows in the apartment. Of course I had cuddle/read time with Nigel. This is a very enjoyable middle book. I received it through Library Thing as a reviewer. Twin brothers separated in a house by an agreement that their parents had made. Both of their parents are apprentices one to Memory the other to Death. A young girl is killed and a mystery to be solved.
Tonight‘s seasonally appropriate #booksandbeer: Pecan Ale and the #middlegrade story of two brothers, apprenticed to Death and Memory, who are only free to roam once a year on Halloween 🎃 #kidlit
The puppies were so tired this morning they let me sleep til 9 am and then crashed on the couch with me for two hours while I finished this book. An intriguing plot where Death, Memory, and Passion live in a town and it‘s mostly from the POV of two brothers whose parents are apprentices to Death and Memory. #dogsoflitsy
A delightful MG read perfect for young readers (really anyone) looking for a spooky, atmospheric read. Lee & Felix are twins who can only leave their house together on Halloween—this is what happens when your parents make an Agreement with Death & Memory. And so things might have continued except they meet Gretchen. She wants their help to solve a murder & in return she promises to help them break the Agreement & be a family again. ❤️Recommended.
Of course I‘m going to start October with a MG book about parents who have made a Faustian bargain which means their children, twin brothers, only see each other one day a year—Halloween. One year the brothers meet Gretchen Whipple who tells them if they help her solve the murder of a local girl, she‘ll help them break the agreement that keeps them apart. Throw in some warring families, Death on the loose & you have what sounds like a great book!
I don‘t know if this has ever happened to you but...I decided to walk to the grocery store, to enjoy the autumn weather and all that, and on the way detoured, umm, a mile out of the way to stop by one of my favorite bookstores. That‘s totally normal, right? I picked up the tagged book—a MG book in which parents make a Faustian bargain with, unsurprisingly, unfortunate consequences. The other books were on sale & so the TBR stacks grow.
My first ARC from Library Thing arrived today! I believe it is a middle grade read, and perfect for the season. Halloween, mystery, Death and Memory. Maybe I will be able to sneak it in this weekend. Nigel is unimpressed and snuggled with his favorite spooky blanket ☺️ #dogsoflitsy