But, having seen that which eyes, upon seeing, diminish, she had put herself in danger of being “herself”—a thing tradition did not protect. -Preciousness
But, having seen that which eyes, upon seeing, diminish, she had put herself in danger of being “herself”—a thing tradition did not protect. -Preciousness
Keeping it rolling for more team points.. with Family Blood
#teamslaughter #scarathon #scareymovie @Clwojick
3 pts.
No time to read this weekend because I'm spending it California with my family. Dinner means we need to add an extra table
#photoadaynov16 #day24 #thankfulfor I am thankful for this bunch of gorgeous, annoying, wonderful, pains in the butt, mad people I call my family. My hubby is the most amazing man a girl could want with the patience of a saint, my children are a trial but I love them dearly, but my grandbabies are my heart & soul. Those little goobers just have to smile to lift my entire day. Aren't they just the cutest things you've ever seen?😍😍😍😍😍