My favorite National Library Week quote because it‘s so true.
My favorite National Library Week quote because it‘s so true.
I will never not share this during National Library Week.
🎉🎊🎈🎇🎆 Interesting news.
Until June 30 or until the national emergency in America is over, the internet archive is suspending the wait list and allowing everyone access to all it's digital books. I think it said there are over 100 other institutions part taking. Pretty freakin neat. 😁
1) I work for my public library, so technically 5 days a week. I love it!
2) NYC‘s public library, the Bodleian Library in Oxford, Paris libraries, really anywhere with an awesome library.
3) I have a TBR list for my library but none currently on hold. I am currently reading: Imitation in Death by J.D. Robb and Beautiful Boy by David Sheff.
4) I think I was in middle school. I remember I felt so cool having my own card!
1. Many times a week. It‘s literally across the street from my workplace.
2. The central library of Vancouver, Canada looks really cool
3. Senses by Matteo Farinella, The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, and Thanks for the Money by Joel McHale
4. I think I was 4, but it may have been 5
1. About once a week
2. I'd love to see the Bodleian in person
3. The Hazel Wood and Children of Blood and Bone. I'm trying to return all my library materials so I don't lose track of them during my impending move, so I suspended most of my holds.
4. Around ten I think.
Thanks for another great #TrivialThursday, @GarthRanzz!
1. I go through phases of visiting the library. But even when I‘m not physically there, I use OverDrive a lot.
2. The Bodleian Library at Oxford University and The Klementinum Library in Prague
3. Russian Roulette, The Shape Of Water, and Enlightenment Now (pretty eclectic choices!)
4. By the time I was four years old
#TrivialThursday @GarthRanzz