This fictional book by Jane Cabrera would be a great addition to an elementary classeoom, especially for the younger ones. The theme of the book is expressing happiness, in the way that makes the individual happy. The book shows different animals and different actions from clapping to flapping to show happiness. For younger students this would be a great book to work on their right words. This book would be best used as a RA.
GGallegos This book can be used with this lesson plan: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/read-song-using-s... UDL principles, 4.1 strategy is applicable since the students have various methods they can respond to the book and navigate around it. An EL strategy 14 and 15 is naturally found in the word did this book with their repetition and the song pattern being slower if wanted. #UCFLAE3414SuB18 7y
DrSpalding Not P....what else could It be? 7y
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