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A Kick in the Head
A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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Presents a selection of children's poetry which illustrates the different forms of poetry, including sonnet, couplet, ballad, elegy, and ode.
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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#PoetryMatters Day 13: #Kick - this poetry anthology begs to be read aloud to your own children or to your students. There are poems for one, two and three voices – take your pick. The poems dance, leap, and swirl off the page – alongside Raschka‘s whimsical, colorful, and incredibly-original artwork. My review: https://gatheringbooks.org/2012/08/20/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-nonfiction...

TheSpineView 👍💙📘 3y
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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A Kick in the Head by Paul B. Janeczko with illustrations by Chris Raschka is a story of poetry. This book contains 29 different poems in different poetic forms such as sonnets, double dactyls and limericks. The poems are brought to life by Raschka‘s illustrations. This book would be great for storytelling since it is fun and light hearted. This website contains many activities for this book of poetry:

emilypalkovich https://bookshelfbriefs.wordpress.com/2018/04/21/a-kick-in-the-head/. A UDL principle for this story is providing options for language and symbols because poetry is full of confusing and less commonly used language, patterns, and critical feature. An EL strategy for this is number 14: simplify your speech by making it slower and redundant. This helps because poetry can be a little fast paced. #ucflae3414sp21 3y
DrSpalding When you think about poetry, think about some of the ways we discussed sharing poetry… Echo reading, individual poetry readings, partner reading and choral reading work really well. This book should be a mentor text for students to create their own poetry using the variety of poetry forms presented in this text. 3y
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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This creative picture book contains 29 different poetic forms. Each page provides a new form of poetry to learn using an example poem and an explanation at the bottom of the page. The poem begins with simple structures, as you continue to read the book, you will find more complex poems. This book would be a fun and engaging experience for students to learn about the different forms of poetry. Who doesn't love a great poem!

olivia_danko This exciting poem would be best taught using UDL 2.2 (Clarify syntax and structure) by explaining to students the structure of the poem. Students could then make their own poem on what topic their heart desires! The ELS strategy I'd use is EL 2 Promote cooperation (small groups) because I think this lesson would be a great way for children to get in smaller groups and collaborate by making their own poems.
PatriciaS Great resource for teaching different kinds of poetry readings and introduction of a new genre poetry. Wonderful picture book 📖 great review and resources for read aloud lessons and activities. 3y
DrSpalding Scholastic is a high-quality resource and you found an amazing link to engage students in this genre! Poetry can promote cooperation and certainly clarify syntax and structure therefore you aligned your principles and strategies nicely. 3y
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

I think the children would like these poems because they are fun.

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

A Kick in the Head by Paul B. Janeczko. The front cover was enough for me to dive in. It was so colorful and fun. I like how the the poems are fun and are in many different forms. I came across this quote about the poems, “Readees will have the good fortune to experience poetry as art, game, joke, list, song, story, statement, question, memory.”

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

This book is full of fun poems and riddles. They all have the answers on the pages and the illustrations are fun. I think this is a great books for children! This book has a page for each different kind of poem. I love thé different poetry types involved

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

This book is a collection of random poems and illustrations. I enjoy that they are riddles as well. It is a fun book for children!

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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“In the world of mules, there are no rules.”

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

I like that each poem is different and all of them have different meanings. I think it shows all kinds of perspectives to each of the children.

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko

A Kick in the Head by Paul B. Janeczko was published in 2005. The book is made up of short poems that involve rhythms. The poems each have an illustration that are very interesting to look at! Each of the poems and illustrations are different in their own way.

A Kick in the Head | Paul B. Janeczko
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By: Paul B. Janecko- Poetry
Fun and witty read! A great addition to a classroom library for poetry. This book shows 29! different styles of poetry. This would be a great treat for students, using it for RA, S, IR, PR, SR.

AshleyC There are many ways to incorporate this book into the classroom! Here is a handout sheet that explains a few types of poem styles. http://www.candlewick.com/book_files/0763606634.kit.1.pdf Paul, the author, created this worksheet and that would in fact inspire the students to do their best! 6y
AshleyC A UDL Strategy is 2.4- Promote understanding across languages. Very important I believe! Depicting the underlying messages in poetry can be tough! An effective EL strategy would be 1- Teach questioning for clarification. 6y