“ now the tiny plant from the tiny seed is all alone.”
This book would be an excellent lesson on taking care environment and a garden. I think this book could very well tie in to environmental sustainability and what we can do to protect our planet.
This book would be an excellent lesson on taking care environment and a garden. I think this book could very well tie in to environmental sustainability and what we can do to protect our planet.
I love growing plants and flowers, which is why I picked this book. This book was very cool as it was interactive for the little reader it would be read to. The book was very easy to read and would be good for younger grades to practice fine motor skills.
Picture Book
I loved everything about this book it has beautiful simple illustrations and is very informational. I can picture this book with a lesson about how things grow. Students could even plant their own seeds and watch them grow.
This is a great book for new readers. It is engaging in its interactive nature and teaches children about how things grow from a tiny seed.
I would read this book to a preschool or kindergarten classroom. It is interactive and engaging while teaching children about the life of a plant and what it needs to survive.
(picturebook) this book is very interactive with simple illustrations. It encourages young readers to use their hands and symbolizes the actions of taking care of and growing a plant. It is rythmatic and engaging.