Another feather. I appreciate the color play.
#CoverLove #YAEdition
Another feather. I appreciate the color play.
#CoverLove #YAEdition
I would absolutely recommend this book if you want a chill, summer read. It deals with some big issues but in a way that isn‘t too heavy and doesn‘t detract from the story. The characters are fun and relatable. It‘s awesome! (I hope there is a sequel of some sort)
“Sometimes, I imagine alternate endings to the story: last-minute miracles, touches of magic. I picture how things might have gone, if I wasn‘t there. If I‘d left just a few minutes later. If I hadn‘t been alone. It doesn‘t make any difference. One way or another, the crash always comes.”
Out of The Blue tackles questions of grief and guilt and fear over who we really are. But also about love and acceptance and finding your place in this world...
This book was such a surprise—I absolutely loved it.
I enjoyed the DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE trilogy but not as much as most people seemed to love it. This, on the other hand, was a fallen angel story I could get behind.
A lot of talk about what makes us human, it‘s more dystopian than fantasy, and the writing is so lyrically gorgeous.