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The Circle Opens #2: Street Magic
The Circle Opens #2: Street Magic | Tamora Pierce
4 posts | 44 read | 3 to read
Part of the 8-book Tamora Pierce reissue for Fall 2006, this title in the Circle Opens quartet features spellbinding new cover art. Coincides with the release of WILL OF THE EMPRESS in trade pb. Briar Moss been training four years as a plant mage, but he hasn't put his past behind him. He meets a street girl, Evvy, using powerful magic to polish stones for a merchant, and resolves to find her a teacher. But Briar understands the city's gangs as well as he understands Evvy. When gang warfare breaks out, he discovers that the fiercest gang is seeking a stone mage to lead them to hidden gems. Only Briar and his magic can offer Evvy protection. Swept up in a bloody conflict, Briar must decide if he's ready to make the final step away from his former life as a "street rat".
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Y‘all I Love Briar so much and he‘s such a sweet teacher and Evvy is wonderful and they teach each other in the way that also student/teacher pairs should. Not to mention this book has my favourite Tamora Pierce trope of ‘you disappeared and I lost my temper‘ while something is just Totally Destroyed in testament to said temper.

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I always forget and am again made So Soft about how good a teacher Briar is. Getting Evvy a stone alphabet to tackle reading and learning stone uses all at once in a way she‘ll enjoy and care about. To be fair Evvy makes it easy to teach her because she‘s so excited to learn but still, I love them both so very much, these children who luck plucked off the streets and straight to the folk who could teach them best.

Street Magic (Reissue) | Tamora Pierce

Forgot to take a picture, but I just finished this one! I‘m loving this expansion to the Circle of Magic world so much. This was also my #doublespin this month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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