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Deadly Kerfuffle
Deadly Kerfuffle | Tony Martin
2 posts | 2 read
It?s 2006, and terror scaremongering in the media has rattled the residents of sleepy, suburban Dunlop Crescent. When a Maori family moves into number 14, the local cranks assume they are Middle Eastern terrorists hell-bent on destroying the Australian way of life. Rumour has it that they plan to turn their house to face Mecca. This sets off an extraordinary chain of events that embroils the entire neighbourhood as well as cynical media figures, bumbling anti-terrorist police, and a gang of white supremacists with a radical plan to wake up the country and `preserve Australian values?. At the centre of it all is Gordon, a retired widower, who just wants a bit of peace and quiet. Deadly Kerfuffle is a smart, riveting and incredibly funny novel inspired by actual letters to the editor in a local newspaper. Through biting satire and a cast of unforgettable characters, it?s an insight into the kind of paranoia that could only ever blossom in the quietest and safest of places.
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Deadly Kerfuffle | Tony Martin
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Ain't this the truth.

What weird word best describes you!? https://bookriot.com/?p=249867

Lmstraubie That is just a fun word to say 😂 6y
Jen_Reads I got that word too 6y
CareBear I got cattywampus lol 6y
inthegreensandblues Love an excuse to say kerfuffle! 6y
Amiable I love kerfuffle and try to insert it into a conversation whenever I can! 😀 6y
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Deadly Kerfuffle | Tony Martin
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A third of the way through and really enjoying this fun read, full of Australian pop-culture references 🤘🏽

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