A walk on the beach: and then a copy of the Times books feature left at the table in the pub. So I've added this one to the wishlist.
A walk on the beach: and then a copy of the Times books feature left at the table in the pub. So I've added this one to the wishlist.
It takes a few pages before getting involved into the plot but all in all a good story and well written. #2020
#startswithmno got me searching and I found this
#jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading
Mystery solved. Not one of her best, saved by the atmosphere of its setting by the Thames. I found the ending unconvincing, although the most likely suspect did do it.
My current mystery read. I am never without a detective mystery on the go. So far this one is really good, but oh my goodness, isn't the cover awful?
Day four : part 4 and part 5. 140 pages to go and no idea who did it.