"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
It‘s 2020. Do we need to hear these words again?
“Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.”
Are you paying attention?
I like to plan. I like to know all the details and all the steps. I like to know exactly where things are heading- but sometimes you can't. On this day of service, I pledge to keep up the good fight. To be a voice and work toward the social change we need. And I will do it with faith in myself and those around me, who fight with me.
In high school, I read a book of MLK's speeches and sermons. This is one of two poems he included periodically in his work, though I'm not sure if he authored the poems. I can still quote this poem over thirty years later. His words clearly pierced my soul. #poetry