Oh no. This very readable YA novel was about spoiled, selfish, slightly clueless step siblings doing selfish and improbable things. Also mental health issues were used as a plot device. Nope.
Oh no. This very readable YA novel was about spoiled, selfish, slightly clueless step siblings doing selfish and improbable things. Also mental health issues were used as a plot device. Nope.
Family movie night rebel
Lunch break #noyouhavetoomanybooksonthego
I‘m in a hotel this weekend and no one is awake yet. If I want to read, I have to sit close to the bathroom door and use the light from in there.
I‘m so bored with this right now. Plus I‘m completely baffled and confused as to why two teenagers would THROW AWAY their cell phones, when they are in an unknown area and basically running away from their parents. But not like really running away, just doing it to have fun and avoid a probably bad conversation they‘re expecting. I just don‘t get it. Also Flynn and Amos are boring imo.