This book was recommended by a consultant & I enjoyed it more than I expected I would! Hendricks turns traditional ideas of success on their head and shows that our perspectives influence a great deal.
This book was recommended by a consultant & I enjoyed it more than I expected I would! Hendricks turns traditional ideas of success on their head and shows that our perspectives influence a great deal.
The awareness is wired into us, because we‘re wired into the universe. We can try with all our might to pretend we‘re separate from the rest of the universe, but one way or the other it will catch up to us and welcome us back into its embrace.
I also know, from painful experience, that the moment my attitude of cheerful humility slips into self-righteousness or arrogance, the universe will just as cheerfully step in with an unexpected way to make me humble again.
If you‘re sad, let yourself feel that way until you don‘t feel sad anymore. Same thing with fear, anger, happiness, and other feelings. It‘s the act of stifling and concealing feelings that causes problems in relationships.
Much of the energy in troubled relationships is drained through power struggles about who‘s right, who‘s wrong, and who‘s the biggest victim.
Before I took responsibility for the amount of time I had at my disposal, I felt I was in an ongoing wrestling match with time. I saw time as a big, threatening pressure that was always about to overwhelm me.
Time is not something you have or don‘t have. You‘re the source of it, and you make as much of it as you want.
It treats time as a scarce commodity, sending the message that time is “out there” and that there isn‘t enough of it “in here.”
Quit thinking time is “out there.” Take ownership of time—acknowledge that you are where it comes from—and it will stop owning you.
You may not realize that it‘s like a suit you put on early in life and have been wearing so long you think it‘s your skin.
You‘ll never have enough money to buy all the stuff you don‘t really need, and you‘ll never have enough time to do all the things you really don‘t want to do.
When you‘re willing to occupy all space, time simply disappears. You‘re everywhere all at once, there‘s no place to get to, and everywhere you are it‘s exactly the right time.
You‘re where time comes from.
Commitment gets you started and propels you through the early stages of any game, but it‘s recommitment that ignites your reserves when you feel like you‘re going to give up.
I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same.
He doesn‘t know how to just have a good time all the time.
To wonder about something is to explore with an open mind and an open heart.
The look of wonder in his eyes reminds me to keep seeking the deepest truths about life, and to do my seeking in the spirit of play, not work
Morality is about good and bad, right and wrong—all of which are highly arguable.
Arguments are caused by two people (or two countries) racing to occupy the victim position in the relationship. Person A claims the victim position (“Why are you doing this to me?”) and then tries to get person B to agree with that assessment. In other words, person B has to agree that he or she is the persecutor. Therein lies the problem. It‘s almost impossible to get the other guy to agree that it‘s his fault.
By extending your ability to feel positive feelings, you expand your tolerance for things going well in your life.
money arguments never have anything to do with money. Money arguments are always about something deeper.
There‘s a good way to know if a worry-thought is something you should pay attention to. Just ask yourself: Is it a real possibility? And… Is there any action I can take right now to make a positive difference?
Worrying is useful only if it concerns a topic we can actually do something about, and if it leads to our taking positive action right away.
Nearly caught up - one more after this one! G was today‘s letter and I‘m working backwards from there.
#manicmonday #letterB
📚 The Big Leap
🖋 Brendon Burchard, Joe Biden
📺 The Big Bang Theory, The Blacklist
🥘 Blueberries (Wild)