This book was so much fun to read - hilarious writing and full of brilliant twists and turns of Fate. It was the entertainment I needed this week. I‘d had this one on my shelf for years and I‘m glad I finally picked it up!
This book was so much fun to read - hilarious writing and full of brilliant twists and turns of Fate. It was the entertainment I needed this week. I‘d had this one on my shelf for years and I‘m glad I finally picked it up!
F for falseness, F for fiction, and F for fooling yourself. Before the financial crisis in 2008 three brothers are living on a lie - and it‘s all coming crashing down. Kehlmann writer with psychological insight a sharp criticism of a society losing its way.
Definitely a good read!
This is one of those novels I know I will need to read again in order to see all its intricacies. It tells the story of three brothers whose lives are built on falsehoods a priest with no faith, a financier whose success is a facade and an art forger. It's funny and philosophical and very complex, full of literary twists and circles - expect more questions than answers!
I'm trying to branch out and read more translated works. If anyone has a great recommendation for a book by a foreign author that's been translated to English, I'm making a #tbr list! I picked this beauty up at the library because it looked cool and is by a German author. So far, I'm not sorry!
#photoadaynov16 Feeling super lazy this rainy Saturday morning, so I decided to try complete the #onewordtitles challenge without getting out of bed and lucky for me it turned out my Kindle app has quite a nice selection! @RealLifeReading
Good morning everyone! Ready for a new day and a new challenge!
Anybody familiar with this?
I found it one day on the front table at Elliott Bay. I liked it when I read it, and since then it has stuck with me in a way most novels don't.
I never hear about this book, and feel as if it doesn't fully exist, but this one copy was created only for me....