I love a book about marriage. Send me any good recs you may have 😀. This one is up next as soon as I finish my current book.
I love a book about marriage. Send me any good recs you may have 😀. This one is up next as soon as I finish my current book.
I liked this book, especially since I could see some of it happening in real relationships, but the female main character "Cass" drove me nuts! Her selfishness and immaturity made me want smack her, and the fact that she kept emasculating her husband at every turn irritated me.
What a horrible book. I feel bad saying that but jfc. I almost bailed and I am pissed I didn‘t. Here‘s the thing. The premise is great. Jonathan and Cass have been married five years and are at an impasse. Cass decides she needs six months as a single woman to decide whether they should stay married. They both have secrets they‘ve kept from one another. On one hand, I thought that some of the aspects of marriage were super realistic. ⬇️
#Iwonder if I will make it through this book. #iwonder why I brought only this one book on my weekend away. #iwonder what books @Mdargusch has hanging around that I could borrow. I do NOT wonder why this book only has 11% litfluence. 😅 #abbainaugust
Read the first half and the last chapter. Wasn‘t a good fit for me.
The gang is all here - driving me insane.
And I'm calling it quits, after pushing to 50% (thought of bailing at 15%). The writing has similes like fireworks on July fourth (too many, too loud, and without purpose! Haha!) And the alternating pov chapters feel like having to listen to two obnoxious people drone on about how their bad marriage is not their fault. I can't do it!
Currently reading this book. I‘m about 30 pages in but the story hasn‘t really grabbed my attention yet. Has anyone read it?
I wrote a little review of this on my Instagram the other day and I'm still unsure if this is a pick or just so-so lol 😅 I found the book interesting and the plot intriguing but hated Cass and how everything ended. Would love to hear what actual married ppl think of this book lol
I absolutely loved this book! I was so excited when I got it on Read-it-First. It‘s such a intimate look inside a marriage that many people face. I loved the characters, the premise is spot on. I‘m living it, I have been for the past 10yrs of my 32yrs of marriage. It works, we don‘t see other people, we love each other dearly. We are best friends, we just have two homes. It's getting to be common; I know a few other couples who live this way.
#TBRtemptation post 2! Coming in 2018 Edition! Scheduled for a July release. The blurb does the title more justice than I could do, lol. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎