Enjoyed this one.. Great page turner.. 😊
Here's another quick page turner from James Patterson. #13 in the series, "Private Delhi" was a lot better than "Private India" and gave me a little more encouragement to pick up another. It was slightly confusing at times but as it was fast paced this didn't matter too much, especially when I was more interested in the gore! It's 3 stars from me.
My full review is up on my blog now, go check it out to learn more! ?
I usually enjoy a James Patterson book. This one was a Private India book. I didn't care for it, of course it could just be me. It was a little political and about organ harvesting. Happy Reading.
Starting this book this afternoon. Love James Patterson!
I really enjoyed this book. James Patterson is one of my favorite authors and I haven‘t found very many of his books that I haven‘t liked. I have seen mixed reviews about the Private novels that take place in India, but I have enjoyed them. There were a few parts in the book that had me saying “oh my gosh”. Overall, the book was very good!
This one didn‘t do much for me. I had a hard time keeping the characters sorted. It may have been the similarities in the spellings . I will say, the Deliverer had very unique methods in killing his victims.
It's been some time since I've read a page turner like this. A great palate cleanser! Bonus: it's set in crazy, political, chaotic Delhi. #thriller #currentlyreading
Waking up to grey skies and wet roads at 7.30am on a Monday morning. Perfect skip-work-stay-home-and-read conditions. Alas, responsibility, you scurvy companion.