Nothing memorable about this book at all.
Nothing memorable about this book at all.
Good stuff!
One of two audiobooks I wrapped up today. Primarily a book about meditation, I enjoyed this more than I expected to.
This is not at all what I expected! I grabbed it as a throwaway, something to listen to while doing some drudge work, but it‘s primarily about meditation and letting go...very zen, but also very French.
Very poorly titled book that is obviously trying to ride the coattails of Sarah Knight‘s book. Major marketing fail. I read the first half, then skimmed. There‘s nothing French about this other than the author. It‘s a book about his philosophy of meditation. If you want a less rigid way to meditate, read this (or Dan Harris‘ Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics). If you want what the title promises, read Sarah Knight or Mark Manson‘s business version.
The title of this #audiobook (translated from French Foutez-vous la paix!) is the author‘s provocative way to encourage listeners to let go of control and be present. To give yourself a break, finding “the vigour that exists between being passive and being active.” He describes meditation as an openness to the world, rather than a form of self-absorption. Best part is the appendix, where Nietzsche, Heidegger & other philosophers are invoked. #LGBT
I‘m tired of being asked, because I‘m involved in meditation, “How can I become zen?” As if this question had any meaning. Why am I not asked, “How can I become a little more alive?”
I give this book 4 out of 5 I don‘t give a freakin‘ shit stars! As a person who beats herself up daily and continually has anxiety, I found this book refreshing. This was an easy read that I really enjoyed. I could relate to a lot of the topics that the author covered and it gave me the urge to work on start giving less f*cks. #bookreview #bookblog #booknerdigans #bookbloggers #bookworm #book