Getting into some 19th century all female utopia, been looking forward to this one ever since I first heard of it
Getting into some 19th century all female utopia, been looking forward to this one ever since I first heard of it
I started this because I'm interested in early radical feminist lit, & this one is about a women-only utopia. First published serially in 1890-1891, I was hoping for Herland vibes. As it turns out, this is a classist, racist utopian ideal of Aryan supremacy, where "dark races" have been bred out & people don't eat in public(?!) like "savages". A wet dream of eugenics. No thanks; you can take your utopia & stick it where the sun don't shine ???
New in Serial Reader: a novel of an all-women society, “the first feminist technological Utopia,” as told through the eyes of an outsider. Read the first of 18 issues here: https://t.co/cl2yxAJ6AW