What a cliffhanger! Drag racing is never a good idea. This one ends on a somber, uncertain note and I wonder how they‘re going to continue it.
What a cliffhanger! Drag racing is never a good idea. This one ends on a somber, uncertain note and I wonder how they‘re going to continue it.
I love this series! This one took a turn. But I am still in.
Vol. 4 went somewhere I really didn‘t expect setting up vol. 5. The art was very different than the previous volumes, which was good but not exactly the same drawing I was expecting.
This might be my favorite volume since the first. The balance between storylines and characters was really, really good in each issue. And I'm not going to lie, I might have gotten a little teary and emotional with the climax. I can't believe that I'm going to have to wait to find out what happens next.
Love it although my heart is bleeding since I'm Team Veronica
I didn‘t like the illustrations as much as I did in the last one! I wish Vol 5 was already out. #thankfullyreading
This volume wasn't as addicting as the others (it felt much more like an anthology), but I still loved it.