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Timekeepers: How the World Became Obsessed With Time | Simon Garfield
13 posts | 5 read | 12 to read
Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana. The Beatles learn to be brilliant in an hour and a half. An Englishman arrives back from Calcutta but refuses to adjust his watch. Beethoven has his symphonic wishes ignored. A US Senator begins a speech that will last for 25 hours. The horrors of war are frozen at the click of a camera. A woman designs a ten-hour clock and reinvents the calendar. Roger Bannister lives out the same four minutes over a lifetime. And a prince attempts to stop time in its tracks. Timekeepers is a book about our obsession with time and our desire to measure it, control it, sell it, film it, perform it, immortalise it and make it meaningful. It has two simple intentions: to tell some illuminating stories, and to ask whether we have all gone completely nuts.
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After a day feeling like I can never get enough time to just hang out with these guys while they're babies, this feels like a timely (gah, that word again) choice... #BunniesofLitsy

rabbitprincess Awwwww the floof! And the little ears!!! ♥️♥️🐰🐰 Ready to start The Division Bell Mystery on Monday? 😊 6y
shanaqui @rabbitprincess Yep! I can't remember if I asked -- how fast do you normally read/want to read this? 6y
rabbitprincess @shanaqui I'll be at least starting to read it on the bus, so it might take me 2 or 3 days (depending on commute). I can keep you posted on how far I've managed to get each day 😊 6y
Gezemice OMG I am dying here. Soooooo Cuuuuuuuuute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 6y
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Unfortunately my previous scheduled plans went way over and I‘m calling it a day at 8 hours for #24in48 day 1. While I probably won‘t make the time up tomorrow, I still plan to participate!


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Moving right along... loving TheLast Time I Lied!!! #24in48

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I was able to clock a lot more hours than I thought I would for #readathon! I didn‘t read as many as I hoped because one of mine was a doorstopper 😅 Still fun to read with you all!

Mollyanna Nicely done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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I‘m trying to screenshot my watch, but I give up! Argh.

Here‘s my #deweysreadathon #finaltime. Considering I wasn‘t planning to join in at all, I‘m happy with this total. I finished one book I was already reading and started two more.

Hours read: 4
Books read: 3


tammysue Great job! 👏🏻💗 6y
Mollyanna Woo-hoo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Christine Awesome! (And I so identify with struggling with the watch screenshot...except in the opposite direction - I am always accidentally taking screenshots of mine! 😂) 6y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Christine Haha. Yes, I‘m always starting workouts without meaning to. I figure my watch is telling me I don‘t do them enough! 😜 6y
sudi That's great 😊👏🎉🎊🎉 6y
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A continually fascinating book. I particularly liked the chapters about timepieces; made me understand my mum's little collection of watches a bit better 😉 Garfield's writing flows well and is peppered with interesting facts and amusing footnotes. Gorgeous cover, too. Recommended.

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"advertising the shit out of them" ???

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The chapter on watchmaking is really cool!

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😂😂 Neil Young!

LeahBergen What a jerk. 😂😂 7y
rabbitprincess @LeahBergen The best part about the story is that if you somehow missed hearing who it was, you could still make a reasonable guess 😂😂 7y
LeahBergen As the “anytime in the past four decades” comment proves. 😂 7y
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Thought-provoking, interesting, educating, well-written and generally entertaining -- Timekeepers really covers all the bases and covers them well. You'd do well to check it out.

IrresponsibleReader You can read my complete thoughts here. 7y
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