After a day feeling like I can never get enough time to just hang out with these guys while they're babies, this feels like a timely (gah, that word again) choice... #BunniesofLitsy
After a day feeling like I can never get enough time to just hang out with these guys while they're babies, this feels like a timely (gah, that word again) choice... #BunniesofLitsy
Unfortunately my previous scheduled plans went way over and I‘m calling it a day at 8 hours for #24in48 day 1. While I probably won‘t make the time up tomorrow, I still plan to participate!
I was able to clock a lot more hours than I thought I would for #readathon! I didn‘t read as many as I hoped because one of mine was a doorstopper 😅 Still fun to read with you all!
I‘m trying to screenshot my watch, but I give up! Argh.
Here‘s my #deweysreadathon #finaltime. Considering I wasn‘t planning to join in at all, I‘m happy with this total. I finished one book I was already reading and started two more.
Hours read: 4
Books read: 3
A continually fascinating book. I particularly liked the chapters about timepieces; made me understand my mum's little collection of watches a bit better 😉 Garfield's writing flows well and is peppered with interesting facts and amusing footnotes. Gorgeous cover, too. Recommended.
"advertising the shit out of them" ???
The chapter on watchmaking is really cool!
😂😂 Neil Young!
Thought-provoking, interesting, educating, well-written and generally entertaining -- Timekeepers really covers all the bases and covers them well. You'd do well to check it out.