Listening to The Holiday soundtrack as I write this review—North Pole was adorably cute! ❤️❄️#approximatelyyours #hollyxdanny #theholiday #northpole #holidayread
Listening to The Holiday soundtrack as I write this review—North Pole was adorably cute! ❤️❄️#approximatelyyours #hollyxdanny #theholiday #northpole #holidayread
Reviewed this Entangled Crush book 📚 on my blog, thanks to #Netgalley who supplied a preview copy. https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/10/01/review-approximately-yours-nort... out today (Oct 2) in the US. #blogging #yaseries #romance
Only 11 books this month. Not sure why. But that's okay, as they were all winners. Hopefully going to write long reviews on my blog for another 4 of them. Have already blogged about Ramona Blue and Jane, Unlimited. #readingstats #septemberreads