More book mail!! Gotta love it! #ARC BOOKS #BOOKMAIL #SignedCopy #BookLove
More book mail!! Gotta love it! #ARC BOOKS #BOOKMAIL #SignedCopy #BookLove
This book is for anyone who has had child abuse in their past. It helps you realize that you are not the only person who has faced this. The feelings that you feel are discussed. I flew through this book. It was so on point to how the victims feel. This would be an excellent book for adults to be able to coop with their emotions from the past.
Nora teaches English and lives in Seattle with her husband and daughter. But one day, moments after dismissing class, a girl's face appears above the students' desks -- ''a wild face with startling blue eyes, a face floating on top of shapeless drapes of purples and blues where arms and legs should have been.”
While on Thanksgiving break, the face appears again. Shaken, on the edge of breakdown, Nora meets with neurologists and psychiatrists...
Nora Brown is a high school English teacher who leads a low-key life. After dismissing her class for Thanksgiving, Nora sees the face of a young girl and is filled with terror and confusion. She sees the face again and consults with a neurologist and psychiatrist. She was the victim of a traumatic childhood and has suffered a psychological breakdown. As the plot unravels so does Nora. This book is not for the faint of heart—there is sexual abuse.