At the recommendation of @mrozzz this got delivered today!!!! So I‘m reorganizing (again) my books and am looking for suggestions. Do you organize by genre? If not are your non-fiction and fiction at least separate? Graphic novels? Signed copies? Are your read and TBR books separate? Are they alphabetical? I want to hear all the different ways you shelve your books!!
EadieB I separate genres and then alphabetical by author. I get rid of the books I have already read by using paperbackswap.com or bookmooch.com where you get credits for other books to be sent to you. I have over 5,000 books so don‘t have room for the ones I‘ve read 6y
teebe I split it into fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction gets organized by category, then alphabetical by author. Fiction is all alphabetical by author. 6y
Susanita It's a little quirky based on the available book shelves and what fits where. I have our old Encyclopedia bookcase which houses language reference books, an IKEA “billy“ bookcase which is mostly NF, and the “main“ bookcase which holds most of the rest. One shelf is just the right height for paperbacks, one holds TBR only, and the bottom shelf holds Civil War and spirituality books. (A weird combo, I know, but they fit!) 6y
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Susanita I also have little stashes of particularly beloved books in various other places. 😊 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Very loosely organized by genre. 6y
Leniverse Fiction and non-fiction separate. Non-fiction loosely by genre and alphabetical by author. Fiction by century (of publication not setting) and alphabetical, but with some genres separated out. Graphic novels are currently together, alphabetical, with no consideration for genre. It's cumbersome to reorganise whenever I add another book, but I love reorganising my shelves. 😂 6y
Leniverse I sometimes operate with a next-up to be read shelf, which includes library books, but I will never keep all read and unread books separate. That would just make me feel guilty, I have so many not yet read books! 😬 6y
KatieDid927 I keep most of them in two bookshelves in my media room organized alphabetically by author. However, in the living room I have a whole bookshelf dedicated to series, trilogies and duologies also alphabetical by author. I also have a dedicated Book of the Month shelf in the living room. Finally on top of my antique flip top desk in my living room I have my signed, first editions, collector's editions and anthologies. The ones I don't lend out. 6y
Billypar I'm a monster - I have so little organization! Fiction is already 90% litfic, not enough genre picks for their own shelf (so far anyway). Some authors grouped together, some are chronological in order of when it was read. I prefer nonfiction on audio so very little print. Two unread shelves- active TBR and a 'maybe someday' one. Drama and philosophy (i.e. books from college). Poetry is scattered off shelves or I won't read it 😋 6y
Lcsmcat Nonfiction is (usually) separate from fiction, and loosely organized by subject. Poetry has its own spot too. But then I put “beautifully bound” books together, regardless of type, and some editions (like my Modern Library editions) are shelved together regardless of type. So it‘s a mess that only I really understand. 🤷🏻♀️ 6y
Lcsmcat And I segregate by language. All my French books are together, my husband‘s German books are in another place, and there‘s a smattering of Russian and Italian works. 6y
CareBear @Lcsmcat @Billypar @KatieDid927 @Leniverse @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Susanita @teebe @EadieB thank you so much to all of you for your input! I‘ve got some great ideas now! 💕 6y
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