I don‘t necessarily like murder mysteries, but this series is strong because of the two main characters. I can‘t stop reading them!
I don‘t necessarily like murder mysteries, but this series is strong because of the two main characters. I can‘t stop reading them!
I finally was able to capture a picture of a witty Thomas Llewelyn quote! (All the other quotes were separated onto two pages). This is why I am loving these books! They‘re fun, they keep my interest and they make me laugh. They also make me extremely hungry because the author goes into depth describing their meals LOL I love this series and am picking up number 4 and 5 from my library today!!
The third book in the Barker & Llewelyn series is the best so far! It is very different from the first two books, completely unpredictable- to the very end - and very, very British 😄 I loved it!