This is a clever NF book about rare and endangered animals in alphabetical order. From a kakapo to a mandrill, to an Amur tiger, the book list 26 animals and some interesting facts about each one. This is a very interesting and informative book that will teach kids about different types of animals that they never even heard of!
DrSpalding Looks and sounds wonderful! What about a resource? Look at the National Geographic Kids website for fabulous extension videos, digital text and games related to animals presented in the book! 8y
SamanthaPuglisi This could be a great way to make kids aware of endangered animals and maybe how we can help them! I love A-Z books! 8y
Jerricajay I'm adding this to my stack! What a great way to learn about endangered animals and the alphabet all at once. 8y
StephanieP This book sounds interesting! Provides great information and can definitely be used to relate to a lesson that is being taught in the class! 8y