This was a rather dull book about a rather narrow-minded man. Perhaps it was supposed to be witty, but it just fell flat.
This was a rather dull book about a rather narrow-minded man. Perhaps it was supposed to be witty, but it just fell flat.
Even after all that I went through to get a copy of this silly book, it just won't hold my attention. 😅 Ugh. Oh well, the cover art is pretty and the chapter titles are amusing. Maybe I'll try it again in the future.
Winston looks like he's mid-sentence. 🤣 I caught him tantruming.
Starting this book now! It's only like 120 pages which will be nice after the 500 page chunker I just finished.
Ermahgerd, I'm sooo done with Amazon. I ordered book 1 of this series over a month ago, and they sent book 3. So I ordered books 1 & 2. All are supposed to be new. Book 2 shows up with the pages dog-eared & the cover torn. They send another. They say book 1 is lost, but it shows up today and has a ThriftBooks sticker on it...so clearly none of these are new. I canceled Prime a while ago & now I'm just done with them all together. 😅
Snuck in one last book for November...an amusing quick read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️