It was a quick and easy to read- finished it over the weekend. At first it felt like a book meant for teenagers, but then I got into it. Good ending
It was a quick and easy to read- finished it over the weekend. At first it felt like a book meant for teenagers, but then I got into it. Good ending
The Injustice was previously published as Expelled, so I am using Expelled as name of book.
I was expecting more but it was ok. I kind of figured out who it was but the end wasn‘t expected at all!
I give this book 3/5 stars. James Patterson is one of my favorite authors, but this is one of my least favorite novels from him. It wasn‘t a bad book, it just took me some time to get through it. I didn‘t feel that “unputdownable” feeling like I normally do with Patterson‘s novels.
I wonder how much is actually written by Patterson. Only a few weeks to find out. #coverlove #YAedition