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El Tango de La Guardia Vieja (What We Become: A Novel)
El Tango de La Guardia Vieja (What We Become: A Novel) | Arturo Perez-Reverte
8 posts | 7 read | 12 to read
Arturo Perez-Reverte cambia de registro, aunque sin salir de su mundo personal, y escribe una gran historia de amor. El tango de la Guardia Vieja, sigue la relacion amorosa entre un hombre y una mujer en tres unicos pero intensos encuentros a lo largo de 40 anos del siglo XX. Los protagonistas son Max, un vividor, bailarin de salon y ladron de guante blanco, y Mecha, una hermosa e inteligente mujer casada de la alta sociedad. El autor describe como evoluciona el amor con el tiempo: de los embates de la pasion de juventud a la melancolia del recuerdo en la entrada de la vejez. La novela es tambien un amplio y documentadisimo fresco de la historia de una Europa desvanecida, la de los anos veinte, treinta y sesenta. La trama incluye una peligrosa peripecia en los barrios bajos de Buenos Aires, un complot de espionaje en la Niza de entreguerras, con referencias a la Guerra Civil espanola, y una intriga en torno a un torneo internacional de ajedrez en Sorrento sobre las casillas de la guerra fria. Junto al amor y los sentimientos, unas paginas de sorprendente erotismo con una fuerte carga sexual. Y tambien grandes dosis perezrevertianas de aventura. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In his most recent novel, Arturo Perez-Reverte journeys into uncharted territories to write a sweeping story of obscure and passionate love. El tango de la Guardia Vieja follows the love story of Max, a charming hustler, accomplished ballroom dancer and elegant thief, and Mecha, a beautiful and intelligent high-society matron. In the three powerful encounters that occur during four decades in the 20th century, the author depicts a affair that evolves from the passionate bursts of youth to the melancholy of reminiscence, and the beginning of old age. The novel is also a broad and carefully documented fresco of a fading continent--the Europe of the 1920's, 1930's and 1960's. The plot includes a dangerous incident in the slums of Buenos Aires; an intelligence conspiracy in inter-war period Nice with allusions to the Spanish Civil War; and a disquieting game of chess in Sorrento, played over the checkered squares of the Cold War. Love, passion, and lust come together with Perez-Reverte's characteristic dose of adventure.
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Perez Reverte es un escritor que siempre he disfrutado leer, con grandes aventuras de Alatriste hasta novelas policiales como La Tabla de Flandes, siendo este un libro que tiene como tonalidades el tango y el ajedrez pensé que podría ser una maravilla de lectura, sin embargo ha sido fastidioso de leer, con imágenes de tango viejo maravillosas y un poco flojo en el ajedrez, me he aburrido un poco, haciéndose difícil terminar la lectura.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
RaimeyGallant Bienvenido a Litsy y buen critica. Disculpe, porque no hablo mucho espanol. :) #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
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What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte

As a bookseller, I'm happy every time I put one of these in someone's hands. I feel like I'm handing that customer a magical gift. It's so beautifully written, and it reads like a classic movie. It's just so lovely.

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What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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It's here! It's finally here! Pretty sure this is my favorite book of 2016.

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What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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We should all permit ourselves luxury sometimes, no?

What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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Yes, please!

What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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Kids are playing ball. I'm multitasking. 🍺📚🐝

BookishTrish I'm super keen to read this one. Let me know... 8y
Booksnob I've got my eye on Mr. Splitfoot 8y
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What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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This is a forty year tango between two people who keep getting tangled up in their own schemes, but who connect to each other so closely that that haunt each other for decades. Rich and atmospheric. NetGalley ARC.

What We Become: A Novel | Arturo Perez-Reverte
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Love Arturo's swashbuckling adventures! Excited for this next one.

skrishna Ooh love him. 9y
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