Political correctness gone berserk. We can bomb them, but we can't offend them.
Political correctness gone berserk. We can bomb them, but we can't offend them.
What he says here is irrelevant. I just can't get past the fact that his name is Bourke Hickenlooper, and I felt the need to share this information.
NBC's owner, General Electric, designed, manufactured, or supplied parts or maintenance for nearly every major weapons system used by the United States during the Gulf War. In other words, when correspondents and paid consultants on NBC television praised the performance of U.S. weapons, they were extolling equipment made by GE, the corporation that pays their salaries.
I can't wait for this thousand-year-old bitch to die. Keep in mind that this was the same woman who said that the victims of Hurricane Katrina who were staying in that football stadium were "probably doing better than they normally were before the hurricane," even though they lost everything and were literally lying in feces.
"It's easier to make war when you talk peace." --I.F. Stone
The president launched the invasion of Grenada just two days after a truck bomb killed 241 Americans at the U.S. Marine headquarters in Beirut. The invasion quickly pushed the Lebanon disaster out of the media spotlight. Opinion polling showed a net gain of several points for Reagan‘s favorable numbers. The military triumph in Grenada served as rapid-fire successor to mortifying loss.