Finished my first book for the #JoysofJune Readathon I love this world Ms Archer has built and am going to be very sad to see it end in a few books.
Also I have zero plans for the Readathon. Alas real life is moving so fast I‘m spinning so other than “read something” I don‘t have anything more specific. I‘ll be around rooting everyone on even if you don‘t see me updating much.
Oops I did it again...
Moved the furniture around yet again. But, what else was I supposed to do on a rainy Saturday afternoon listening to an #audiobook?
I even sorted my wool stash (still out of hand).
Next up, decluttering the shelves.
PS: all of that furniture moving gave me 4k steps. My 50k weekly goal isn't far off. #BFCR4 @wanderinglynn