Thanks @RamsFan1963 for the tag!
1. Where the Red Fern Grows
2. 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
Thanks @RamsFan1963 for the tag!
1. Where the Red Fern Grows
2. 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
#Novemberbythenumbers #2 November 2 is The Day of The Dead celebration. Prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died in the Hispanic community.
There are some great blurbs on the back of this superb collection of #queer ?? #poetry:
"Exquisitely crafted, hauntingly wry" -Betsy Warland
"The emotional weather is unmistakably contemporary—the medicated ache, the raining cheer, the cool humour" -Ian Williams
"spare, perfect poems of love and plain want, of watching skies and old clocks, unbalancing the reader while righting the meaning of two." -Arleen Paré
We were bottomless
weren't we. I tell myself
the same story over and over
to keep awake. The one
where night goes missing
between us. Remember how
you promised it wouldn't
come to this. The first
light good and punched
sleepless blue, our bashed lupine
skin and you, lying there, skinny
as a cattail, nude. Inured.