Sitting outside at Whole Foods waiting for my mom and getting some sips and some reading done while I wait. Sorry but I already ate the almond croissant. 😍
Hope everyone has a great day.
Sitting outside at Whole Foods waiting for my mom and getting some sips and some reading done while I wait. Sorry but I already ate the almond croissant. 😍
Hope everyone has a great day.
#Humpdaypost @MinDea
1) Took this picture last night when a friend showed me a pic of her "mountainous" #TBR (about 20 physical books, she doesn't have an eReader) - I showed her my nearly insane #workingTBR (I delete books from my kindle when I've finished/bailed them.)
2) Jamie Fraser
3) Karou (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) and Claire Fraser, Hermione
4) erm...?
5) Apple Pie - or rather, my granny's Apple Cake with apples from her garden