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Throwing Sparks
Throwing Sparks | Abdo Khal
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When an opulent palace is built on the Jeddah waterfront near his poverty-stricken neighbourhood, ambitious Tariq sees a way out of his life of petty crime. He stares longingly at the huge gates, dreaming of the luxuries beyond. But dream quickly turns into nightmare. The Palace is ruled by an enigmatic Master whose influence in the city is as wide as it is wicked. When Tariq succeeds in being appointed to serve the Master it becomes clear that he has been chosen for a single, terrible task. Thirty years later, Tariq feels trapped. In between punishing the Master's enemies through unspeakable acts, falling for Maram, the Master's beautiful mistress, and resisting his brother's pleas to return home, he realises that he has become no more than a slave – and that there is only one way out.
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Throwing Sparks | Abdo Khal
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A translated piece of work about a man who works at the palace. His job- to torture his master's enemies. About 50 pages into the book and that's some powerful writing there !

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