Hydro was hooked up today, so the final thing is done on the reading shed. In a nice turn of fate, a former student of mine turned out to be the electrician 😊
#projectreadingshed #complete
Hydro was hooked up today, so the final thing is done on the reading shed. In a nice turn of fate, a former student of mine turned out to be the electrician 😊
#projectreadingshed #complete
So none of the landscaping around it is done, but my reading shack has finally found its home!!! I can't wait to spend my evenings sitting out here with ALL the books 📚🍷📚🥃📚 And if you're wondering if I'm kidding, I'm not - I had this built for the sole purpose of reading in it and looking out towards the creek behind my property. Some people call it crazy, I call it dedication 😅
2018 // 006 | A Woman‘s Huts and and Hideaways - Gill Heriz | 2016 | 208pp
What more could you want, on a sunny afternoon, than to sit in the park with this collection of interesting sheds and hideaways? Always fun to pick out the one you‘d like.