Some was repetitive, but a fresh view of important issues
Some was repetitive, but a fresh view of important issues
As usual, I wasn‘t sure quite what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised - I absolutely LOVE this book. Such great examples and stories to kind of “get you onboard,” followed by the research behind it. Very thought provoking!!!
I enjoyed this one - the structure was great, and I liked the author's humor & self-awareness. It gave me some thought-provoking questions to ask myself about how I measure success personally. Plus my dog liked it.
One of the things making this book enjoyable is the author's sense of humor.
Thanks @800ceoread for your recent #giveaway! I just received my copy of Barking Up The Wrong Tree and started reading it today. I really appreciate the gift and wish I was closer so I could stop by.
Ash is modelling his fav #businessbook - Eat The Frog First.