This book is bad. So bad. Dated celebrity references abound, as does insulting assumptions about the reader. I'm actually just hate-reading at this point because I want to see how many ideas she has herself and how many are actually lifted directly from experts like Michelle Phan. Then I got to this section and I about died. What. The. Hell?!
BestOfFates How does that book exist?! 8y
Carol @BestOfFates If you're at a dinner party and hate the food, spit it up into your napkin and, since it's a fancy linen napkin that they'll discover later has your gross spit-up portion in it, just steal the napkin or THROW IT AWAY. What the living hell? 8y
BestOfFates @Carol Hahaha, it's like a parody of itself! 8y
Carol @BestOfFates agreed, though nowhere does it say this is satire. It's being marketed as self-help/humor. The book gets even worse later, teaching you step-by-step how to fake an orgasm, saying it's easier to potty train your cat than let your SO know you just used your own bathroom, and assuring you that scheduling emails and saving up work for a work from home day is easier than just....working from home! This book is a disaster. 8y