Getting ready for book club next week!
Catherine flees a scandal by hastily agreeing to marry a man she has not seen in 12 years. When she arrives in Galveston she is faced not only with a man she barely knows but also his grieving son and disapproving housekeeper (a character I loved). Set in 1900 I found this book difficult to put down. It my second read by the author and I am glad she has one more book for me to get my hands on.
An amazing story of 2 strong women and their struggle with each other and their places in the same world. Once you start it you'll have a hard time putting it down
I finished this book on 9-4-16. I read it one day. Boy of boy, the emotions. The writing is fantastic. The tension is thick. The characters drew me into their lives. The history is felt. There is grit. There is sadness. There is redemption. There is a fabulous sense of real-ness. I was adoring the story. And then SLAM!—it ended! That ending I did not like, but then I realized it was the best ending even though I didn't like it.
There wasn't nothing good about funerals. The very notion was a disturbance.
I didn't know what to expect & didn't expect much, but I was compelled by this story of two women from different backgrounds in 1900. It's a story about growing up, changes, death, duty, shame, prejudice, and forgiveness. And all under 400 pages.
There's just no better way to enjoy a book than under the sun in a hammock. Soaking up some vitamin D and making my way through The Promise ☀️
Gorgeous weather this weekend - lots of yard work done, but ZERO reading. Ready to get back into The Promise this week ☀️
My current read: I always enjoy a good historical fiction. This is making me so glad I wasn't born back in the early 1900's. I don't think I could have survived in a society where one marries just simply to be married.