I was going to resist all the cyber Monday deals. I failed. 😆 4 from the Audible sale & 5 from the Libro.fm sale.
The 3 on the right I‘ve read before but wanted to listen to the audio version.
I was going to resist all the cyber Monday deals. I failed. 😆 4 from the Audible sale & 5 from the Libro.fm sale.
The 3 on the right I‘ve read before but wanted to listen to the audio version.
DNFing at 12% as it‘s way over my head scientifically (& as far my information retention right now).
This shouldn‘t detract others (much more knowledgeable than myself) from picking it up.
Left the conference mid-afternoon to get home before the weather gets especially bad. The conference was very good, on decolonizing sexuality and Indigenous embodiement. Learned a lot.
Just leaving this here for now.