Finally finished this book! I can‘t believe it took me 8 months, not do I know why I kept abandoning it. It‘s gorgeous and thought provoking.
Finally finished this book! I can‘t believe it took me 8 months, not do I know why I kept abandoning it. It‘s gorgeous and thought provoking.
Three parallel stories set in a small area of Provence at times when the world or at least civilized life seemed to be coming to an end (the last years of the Western Roman Empire, the Black Death, WWII) look at issues of cultural memory and how ideas survive and recognising and choosing the lesser of evils.
I didn't enjoy this re-read as much as the 1st time round due to illness and the RL news. But still a Pick.
Julien Barneuve died at 3.28 on the afternoon of 18 August 1943. It had taken him twenty-three minutes exactly to die, the time between the fire starting and his last breath being sucked into his scorched lungs.