It‘s been over a decade since Wil Wheaton released his #Memories of the Future working on TNG. I have to admit I‘ve basically given up hope of ever seeing Volume 2 :( #forevernovember
It‘s been over a decade since Wil Wheaton released his #Memories of the Future working on TNG. I have to admit I‘ve basically given up hope of ever seeing Volume 2 :( #forevernovember
Wil (Wesley Crusher) recaps the troubled 1st season of TNG with humourous episode narrations and frank views on the bad and good of working on the show. Its a story of how a great cast persevered with bad scripts to turn TNG into a classic. But we also see how tough this 15 YO had it as a child actor and playing a despised character. For a show that's about a better future some fans can be jerks. Even if you didn't like Wesley, you'll like Wil.